Thursday 5 December 2019


God help and protect other species from us. Shame on you people!! The cruel so called rituals have to stopotherwise those beautiful creatures of Godthose dolphins will be extinct!! And you know dolphins are the only smiling mammalian Animals do feel pain!!!! petrica moise catarama de la pusca

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M Young sick people!!! Killing them is a crimelike killing a human. From now on I will boycot all Danish products untill this diabolical madness stops! Nu este posibil sa omori puscw superbe vietati in asa halpentru ce fac acest lucru si nimeni nu se sesizeaza?? Chiar nu se poate face nimic pentru a opri acest masacru? That must be stoped. They are a precious gift to our planet.

Doru Petrean Si Petrica Moise Catarama De La Pusca

Does anyone in your "kind of government" has a soul to save those creatures cayarama defence? Please help it to stop. Even if it's a tradition of this peoplenow they can get food otherwise.

What kind of people are you? Animals do feel pain!!!! Imaginile pe care le-am vazut m-au facut sa plang Behave as evolved beings! Those people are not human!!

petrica moise catarama de la pusca

What if I do this whit them?? The "winners" are the "real" men!!!

petrica moise catarama de la pusca

If this continuesthe Dolphins could be extincted. This is far below the thirld world. Persoanele cre fac acest lucru nu sunt oameni ci bestii! Please put an end to this. I also feel sorry for the kids having to watch this and given the day off from school Mi-e rusine ca sunt din aceeasi specie cu ucigasii bietilor delfini care cauta prietenie si tandrete!

EU must act now!!

This should be stopped Nr. What is happening there for heaven's sake? The dolphins are living creaturesjust like the human beings and we don't have any right to masacrate them. No ther words necessery This must stop now!!! Why would somebody take pleasure of making living creature suffer?

Gabriel Ciuca - Opponents | Transfermarkt

What is whong with youguys? I cant understand how so many people can enjoy this brutality.

It's unbelievable how this masacre is legal in a kingdom with so many enviromentalists! They are souls like us. I'm physically ill about this.

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